gNaXEL - a Graphical XML Editor
    Guidance for developers   [Rev 0.1.2: 3-Aug-2004]
    - While we have you here, if you wish to contribute code to the gNaXEL project, and would like to help push the technology of XML editors on multiple platforms along, then send a message to the project admin. We are always looking for help on the project.
Status   Latest version of gNaXEL is at 0.1.1 (alpha)
    At this time we have made the initial code move into CVS and forced Eclipse to work with the CVS file structure. This is will allow for the version 0.2 edits to proceed.
ZIP File   Accessing code from the Zip file distribution
    You can obtain a release of the gNaXEL source code, as well as a set of classes compiled on Fedora Core 1 Linux OS, inside one of the ZIP files listed on the gNaXEL project file list web page. The file named gNaXEL-0.11.ZIP is the latest ZIP file release.
    The ZIP distribution was designed to be unzipped into the /usr/local/artige/gnaxel-0.11 directory, and run from there. The gNaXEL program is a Java application. So no matter where the zip file is unraveled, you will need to provide parameters to the java command line in order to successfully launch the program. Since many of the parameters are paths to various libraries, it is recommended to use a shell script to launch the program. One such script is provided in the root of the distribution. The user will need to modify the parameters in the script to note where the program was finally placed, and point to the Java, Xerces and SWT libraries.
CVS   Accessing code from the CVS
    Note that the code committed to the CVS tree will usually be runable code, but no guarantees are made. Individual classes are unit tested before being committed, but integration testing is run less frequently. The Zipped release files are meant to run within their given functionality.
    Checking out code from the CVS tree requires a CVS client and clear access through all firewalls for port 2041. SourceForge maintains some information on how to use CVS clients, and has links to additional information [look for "F. Version Control with CVS (Concurrent Versions System)" on their Site Docs web page]. Typically, the user at the command line will need to be in the directory where the code will be copied into. From there the following command:
       cvs -z3 co gnaxel
    is typed in. When the prompt for a password appears, do not enter anything, and just press return. If successful, you will have a copy of the gNaXEL files copied onto your workstation.
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Last updated:
4-Aug-2004 03:54z